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To read the Breed Standard,

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It is essential to familiarize yourself with the Breed Standard.  Read it.  Study it.  And we will help you begin to understand it.

 Greater Denver Area Cocker Spaniel Club

Helping Breeders, Exhibitors & Judges 

Understand Cocker Structure & Movement

Outstanding parti-color cocker of the late 1970's - early 1980's

Seeing Movement Beyond the Coat

The un-retouched photo above is CH Kamp’s Kaptian Kool.

He was a Multiple All-Breed Best in Show and ASC Best in Show winner in the late 1970’s - early 1980’s.  He is one of the best moving Cockers of our modern era.  He is an excellent example of breed type and movement.

CH Kamp's Kaptian Kool

The type of movement we are talking about is more than “flash and dash,” or how fast your dog moves around the show ring.  Outstanding movement is based on proper structure. How your dog is built determines his stride.  Proper structure allows a dog to go the distance with less effort and gives him improved shock absorbency in athletic activities such as Agility and hunting.  Good structure enables him to remain sound throughout his lifetime.  While the Breed Standard gives lists of traits and attributes of the breed, we will highlight some of these with visual  examples.   

“The more you know, the more you realize how much you don’t know. 

The less you know,  the more you think you know.”

-David Freeman

Proportion -the relationship between height & length.

Height - Is measured from the highest point of the shoulder (A) to the ground (B).

Length -Is described as being from the point of the shoulder (C) to the point of the hip (D). 

Correct proportion is described as: the dog’s length is slightly longer than its height which gives the Cocker balance and symmetry. 

Often you will hear breeders say that a particular dog is  “up on leg.”  This is not referring to how tall a dog is, but a reference to the correct proportions of height and length.  Likewise a dog who is called  “long and low”  is lower in  height at the shoulder in proportion to its length .

Common Structural Faults

Correct Structure

A.  Neck - Short, lacking arch.

B.  Shoulder Layback - Steep,  should not be bulky/wide.

C.  Top-line - Soft, has a dip at the center, may flex when moving, high in the rear.

D.  Hip - The bone is tipped at a greater angle giving the dog a low tail set.  This also shortens the rear stride.

E.  Tail Set - Low.

F.  Rear Angulation -Straight,  poorly angled, (120 degrees). He has swinging, stiff and inflexible action instead of a driving action.  

G. Angle of the shoulder blade & upper arm is too large (120+ degrees).

H.  Upper arm - Short, straight.

I.  Fore-chest -  Breast bone is recessed.  Should protrude beyond the left & right points of the shoulder. No depth.

Movement - This dog will have smaller, mincing steps.  

From the side his front legs will not extend to the end of its muzzle.  The rear will have a swinging, motion displaying a poor top-line.  The rear foot, after it strikes the ground, may continue up and back into the air (wasted action).  This dog will require more steps in order to go the same distance as the dog on the right.

Neck - Long, arched.

Shoulder Layback - Smooth, well laid back at 

nearly a 45 degree angle.

Top-line - Hard, sloped.

Hip - 30 degrees (flatter than many breeds), is part of a driving rear. Does not protrude.

Tail Set - Right off the back at about 45 degrees.

Rear Angulation - Well angulated (90 degrees), strong, wide. Hocks well let down.

Shoulder Blade & Upper arm - Set at about  

90+ degree angle .

Upper Arm - Long, well set under upper arm is crucial to the front assembly and determines length of stride.

Fore-Chest - Breast bone protrudes beyond the left & right points of the shoulder.  

Movement - This dog will have a longer stride, covering more distance in fewer steps.  From the side, this dog’s front legs will extend (reach) to the end or lightly more than his muzzle.  They will not appear to strike high, then slap the ground. His rear foot will stay on the ground (for the full stride) and propel (drive) the dog forward with fewer strides to arrive at his destination than the dog on the left.  His gait is smooth, fluid, and never bouncy.

Comment: Although a poorly built dog may be stacked on the table or down on the floor to give the appearance of correct structure,  the “proof of pudding” is how it naturally stands, free stacks, and moves in the ring. Once you know the theory of movement from visual aids, you need to observe movement in real time.  At future shows, stay and watch the Sporting,  Working, and Herding Groups.  There you will see, in real time, some outstanding movers.

Note to breeders: Evaluate your puppies and adult dogs not only on the table,  but also as they gait around the yard running and playing.  You can not accurately evaluate your dog’s topline or side movement by looking down on them while gaiting them on a lead. 

To Help You Better Understand Structure & Balanced Movement, read 

Carmen Battaglia’s article on our website titled “More Than Meets the Eye”  - 

correct front

Correct  Natural 


Below are common faults seen in some Cockers 

 Puppies that “Toe-out”  in front or are “Cow-hocked” in the rear most likely will not improve as adults.

(The drawings below have been taken from an excellent but unfortunately, out of print publication.)

Cocker toeing-out



cocker correct rear going away

Correct Rear

Moving Away

Incorrect rear -cow-hocked



Incorrect (Coated)


Incorrect rear cow-hocked (coated)

It’s time to talk Temperament!

The Cocker Spaniel temperament is the

most endearing part of the breed!

The Cocker Spaniel temperament is to be “equable with no suggestion of timidity.”  Equable means not easily disturbed or angered, calm and even-tempered. Cockers should be merry with confident, wagging tails and not shrink back, hide, or bark in fear when presented with new situations.  They should be curious, confident, and affectionate.  Never aggressive.  To sum it up, a Cocker Spaniel should be “A merry dog who knows no stranger.”  

Cocker Spaniel word art cloud

During the “hay day” of Cocker Spaniels from the 1970’s through the mid-1990’s, Cockers were at the top of  AKC’s all-breed registrations.  This caused puppy mills and backyard breeders to cash in on the breed’s popularity and breed thousands of unsound, unhealthy cockers with horrendous temperaments.  Veterinarians and groomers came to hate the breed and considered them a breed “most likely to bite.”   Sadly the breed gained a terrible reputation that has lasted even to this day.  Sadder yet, some show breeders continue to breed their stock with less than desirable temperaments.   Temperaments are inherited.  Early puppy socialization is crucial in shaping the personality of the animals you breed.  

The simple fact is adult Cocker Spaniels who do not overcome timid behaviors and react fearfully to new circumstances with their tails clamped down should not be included in a breeding program.

There are three articles of helpful information on temperaments and the importance 

of early puppy socialization on our Articles page. 

For more helpful information on improving your breeding program, go to our Show Time page.