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 Greater Denver Area Cocker Spaniel Club

Celebrating our Club’s Outstanding Performers!




& Matches

June 1st, Agility Fun Match at Biscuit Eaters in Boulder.

Gain real trial experience without the pressure or excessive waiting!  SIMULATED TRIAL ENVIRONMENT

• Fully enclosed ring • Entry and exit gates• Electronic timers

• Judge & score table• Course maps• Toys and treats okay!

For cost & sign up join Colorado Dog Agility on Facebook or

go to:

June 14th Workshop day at Team Spirit Agility in Arvada, CO.         

 Will be held outdoors on grass.

    -Flow like a Pro Handling 8:30-12:00pm. $140 Limit 6 teams.

    -Ringside Impulse Control 1:00-4:30pm $140 Limit 6 teams.

Registration Opens 4/12/24 – Get your name on the priority email notification list when it opens!

For more info join Colorado Dog Agility on Facebook.

June 28-30th  a seminar at Always Hope Dog Training.

Pikes Peak Agility Club is hosting a seminar with Alice Cinotto!! There are a few Audit spots available. Auditors will be able to ask questions, participate in discussions & walk the courses. Spots are $50 and must be pre-paid via check.

For more info join Colorado Dog Agility on Facebook.

Join the group

Rally and Obedience

for Beginners

on Facebook.

For newcomers and seasoned competitors to the AKC sport of 

Obedience and Rally.

Upcoming Agility Trials

Join the group


or visit



Equipment or Tugs

- Colorado Sport Dog Equip: Buy/Sell/Swap

on Facebook or 

visit these sites





Seminars & Clinics

To find seminars and clinics join the 

Facebook group

Colorado Dog Agility

Congrats to Rosemary and co-owner Liz on GCH Mardi Gras Mr. Saturday Night, RN who won his Novice Rally title  placing 2nd.  H went on to win his first leg to his 

Intermediate title!  v

^ Fun day at the Mountain States DTC Rally trial! Rosemary & “Deano,”   GCH Mardi Gras Kahlua and Cream, RAE CGC TKN, earned a triple Q with a 97 in Master, 96 in Excellent B, and a 98 in Advanced B.  “Dakoda”,  GCH Mardi Gras Dance Til Midnight, earned her 2nd Rally Novice leg with a score of 99 and 2nd place.

Congrats to Sharon on “Bobby’s” HIT at the GDACSC Obedience Trial. 

^ Congrats to Terrie on her dog,  Mardi Gras Dream in Black, “Jamani” started his agility career in July at the American Spaniel Club’s Cocker Spaniel Nationals. In five short months they ended the year with 

four titles!  Novice Jumpers, Open Jumpers Preferred, Excellent 

Jumpers Preferred, and Standard 

Novice Preferred.

Way to Go Terrie & Jamani!

A great big Shout Out to the Outstanding Performances of GDACSC members and their dogs!

A lot of fun & holiday cheer was had by the members and friends at the December 2023 GDACSC Agility Trial and Pajama Party

Highlights from the American Spaniel Club’s 

Cocker National Agility, Obedience & 

Rally Trials 

at Purina Farms 

Gray Summit, Missouri   July 20-23,  2023








Congrats to

Terrie and 





Congrats to

Rosemary and 

Rocco, Petunia, & Deano


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Meghan’s dogs,

Ella & Lark 

enjoying their nose work

Obedience: Get Started

Obedience training may just be the best gift you can give yourself, your family, and your pet. It teaches your dog appropriate social behavior with both people and animals; helps correct annoying behaviors like jumping, digging, barking, and chewing; and keeps your dog entertained and happy. A win-win all around!  When to Start Training?  The sooner, the better! It’s easier to train a puppy how to act properly than it is to retrain an adult dog…

Buff cocker healing
Go for It!
Chocolate & Tan cocker healing

Tips for Getting Started in Agility

If you’ve ever watched an agility competition, you know it’s basically a canine obstacle course. The dog must run through tunnels, leap over jumps, and weave through poles. But the dog isn’t working alone – this is a sport of exquisite teamwork. A successful run requires taking each obstacle in a certain order, and the dog relies on his handler to tell him what that is. That makes dog agility an exciting celebration of canine athleticism and the dog-human bond.

Buff cocker jumping through the tire jump

Rally: Get Started

AKC Rally® is one of the newest AKC sports and participation increases every year. Whether you just train or decide to compete, Rally develops better teamwork between you and your dog. Just as importantly, it will sharpen your dog’s obedience skills and behavior – at home and in public.  AKC Rally® is all about teamwork. You and your dog navigate a course together, side-by-side, at your own brisk pace. You move him through a course with signs where he performs different exercises. 

Cocker in AKC Rally
Parti Cocker Spaniel Trick Dog turning on lamp

AKC Trick Dog

Do you and your dog love to be the life of the party by showing off his arsenal of tricks? Then he might be perfectly primed to earn AKC Trick Dog titles!  From the 1920’s and 1940’s when trick dogs such as Rin Tin Tin and Lassie won peoples’ hearts, trick dog training has become one of the most exciting new areas in dog training today.  

Just another way to have fun with your dog!

Fast Cat - Harnessing Your Dog’s Instinct To Chase

“Just how fast is my dog?” Many owners have found themselves wondering that at one time or another. The FAST CAT, one of AKC’s newest events, offers an answer. FAST  CAT is a variation on the Coursing Ability Test. In the FAST CAT, dogs chase a lure in a straight line 100-yard dash and the dog’s time is converted to give their average speed for the run in miles per hour. Owners can then see how their dogs measure up overall, as the top 20 fastest dogs by breed are posted on the AKC website. Dogs can earn titles as well; each dog’s speed is…

 Scent Work (Nose Work)

Fascinating fact: Dogs have a sense of smell that’s between 10,000 and 100,000 times more acute than ours! The sport of Scent Work celebrates the joy of sniffing…In so many dog sports the handler is in control but this isn’t true in Scent Work. Neither the dog nor handler knows where the target odor is hidden. The handler has to rely on the dog, and follow the dog’s nose to success. In Scent Work, it is the canine who is the star of the show.The sport of Scent Work is based on the work of professional detection dogs (such as drug dogs), employed by humans to detect a wide variety of scents and substances. 

Buff cocker doing nose work


Since all dogs have a natural ability to follow a scent, any breed is capable of learning to track. The best way to hone your dog’s tracking skills is to find a Tracking class at your local AKC club. Tracking requires very little equipment. You just need a harness, a 20-to-40 foot lead, a few flags to mark your track, and an open grassy area free of obstacles such as roads, ditches, or woods.

Black cocker AKC Tracking  test

Dock Diving

Will your dog do anything for his favorite toy? Have you watched him fearlessly dive into water – say, in a lake or pool? If so, he might love participating in one of the fastest growing sports, Diving Dogs! Almost any dog can do it, as long as he loves water, knows how to swim, and has a natural passion for retrieving.   Diving Dogs is a great activity to share with your best friend! Titles earned through North America Diving Dogs (NADD) will be recognized by The American Kennel Club.